A Bridge Too Far – The Bulls of War Hits a Wall at Number 2 on Amazon’s Best-seller List
Well, despite the best single day of sales that The Bulls of War has yet seen, it couldn’t quite get over the No. 2 hump to claim one of...

The Bulls of War Day 4: Gunning for No. 1
Day 4 of The Bulls of War Countdown began like any other - me consuming cereal and downing coffee - it ended with my novel's strongest...

The Return: The Bulls of War Back in the Top 10 + New Review!
In case you were wondering what all those fireworks were about that you saw earlier, The Bulls of War returned to one of Amazon's Top 10...

The Bulls of War in Tonight's Top 10* List!
The Bulls of War in Tonight's Top 10* List! Top what!? Look, I know I've mentioned Amazon rankings in each of my last two blog posts and...

The Bulls of War is Ranked! (i.e., it's in Amazon's Top 25*)
The Bulls of War is Ranked! (i.e. it's in Amazon's Top 25*) More good news from The Bulls of War front and some non sequitur musings to...

The Bulls of War Hits the Top 50 on Amazon!
The Bulls of War Hits the Top 50 on Amazon! Wait, top 50 on Amazon? Top 50 in what, exactly? Well, take a look: So considering the...