Week 1 (D-Day+4)...
Week 1 (D-Day+4)...
Well, it's been an exciting and very busy week following Sunday's launch of The Bulls of War, but also quite fun. Clicking "Publish" on Amazon, of course, was the easiest part of the week (not counting the rigorous e-formatting gymnastics for the moment), as the marketing apparatus had to swing into motion at the same time.
Going hand in hand with the above is getting this website off the ground. I'll be the first to plug my host here, as they make it a really intuitive, user-friendly process. Your comments on the site are welcome.
Quick note - for those in the Goodreads and OnlineBookClub communities, you can find me there as well. My Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon info is on my contact page, right next to the pseudo-email form. Can't miss 'em.
Author, webmaster, marketer, serial poster, grillmaster (kinda). Plus my day job. Busy times.