News from E.M. Thomas
July 13, 2017
The (Second) Sale of Sales is Here!
The second ever Kindle Countdown sale for Bulls of War has arrived. Check it out here!
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It's been a long time coming, but
my Ancient Greek epic Fortress of the
Sun is live on Amazon and available
for purchase!
It's sat as a #1 Bestseller on several of
Amazon's lists for more than a month.
Click here to grab it now!
Epic fantasy more your thing? No hard feelings; I'm a big fan too,
hence the reason I wrote The Bulls of War. As it happens, that
novel is also available for preview at the same link (click here)...
...or jump right to Amazon to pick it up by clicking the image above or clicking here. ***It's on sale for 99 cents for the next week!***
Here are some of the things that folks have had to say about Bulls:
Reviewer Praise for The Bulls of War:
"4 stars: With a whole bunch of action, a decent amount of romance, and plenty of other things... it's a book I would recommend... Overall, really good" - Readers' Favorite
"A deeply layered and exhilarating read that ensnares the imagination, The Bulls Of War proves a remarkable debut and is recommended without reservation." - BookViral
"The description of this book as genre fiction should be drowned out by the exquisite research and lyrical writing: battle becomes ballet, blood becomes a song, honor becomes its music. What Thomas has achieved in this book is both wonderfully surprising and incredibly enjoyable for anyone who wants to read good fiction whether they are a fan of this subject matter or not." Self-Publishing Review, 4½ Stars
"This is a fantastic book. In the story, the author explores such powerful themes as love, war, justice, revenge, honor, trust, family, and loyalty and he does so with the utmost skill. One of the marks of great writing is to show and not tell, and the author does just that. He clearly conveys the fear, the anger, the pride, and the patriotism of the characters during the battle scenes, and in the heartfelt, emotional scenes between loved ones." Online Book Club, 4/4 Stars.
Amazon reader Praise for The Bulls of War:
“This epic novel is the stuff of dreams of past times and Thomas delivers it in a realistic, raw, grand manner.“
“At times we get lost in the names and places – but try watching Game of Thrones: Thomas’ tale makes more sense, is easier to follow, and has more inherent depth.”
“The characters were deep and well written.”
“He has created an entire world on the scale of George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones.”
“I can’t wait to read the next instalment of this gripping saga.”
“Thomas has created a truly magnificent world”